Sunday, June 23, 2024

Investigative Article: The Truth About Indecent Exposure Laws in Arizona

Indecent exposure is a term that is often tossed around in pop culture, but it is a serious crime. Understanding the laws surrounding indecent exposure is important for individuals and communities alike. In this investigative article, we will delve into the indecent exposure laws in Arizona, as defined by ARS 13-1402, and explore the legal defenses for these charges.

The Definition of Indecent Exposure in Arizona

According to ARS 13-1402, indecent exposure involves the exposure of private parts in public or in the presence of others. The act must be done recklessly, with the awareness that it would likely offend or alarm. To be convicted of indecent exposure, the prosecution must prove that the offender knowingly exposed themselves with the intent to cause alarm or distress to others.

Penalties for indecent exposure can range from class 1 misdemeanors to class 3 felonies, depending on the victim's age and the offender's history. Factors like the location of the offense and prior convictions can aggravate the charges. In Arizona, the age of consent is 18, and indecent exposure to a person under the age of 15 is considered a class 5 felony.

Related Offenses

While indecent exposure is a serious crime, there are related crimes that are also punishable under Arizona law. Public sexual indecency involves engaging in sexual acts in public and is punishable under ARS 13-1403. This offense is also classed as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the victim's age and the offender's history.

Legal Defenses for Indecent Exposure Charges

Individuals facing indecent exposure charges have legal defenses available to them. The most common defenses are lack of intent, mistaken identity, and insufficient evidence.

One of the most effective defenses against indecent exposure charges is the lack of intent. The prosecution must prove that the offender had the intent to cause alarm or distress to others. If the offender had no intention of exposing themselves or if the act was accidental, then they may be found not guilty.

Mistaken identity is another defense available to individuals facing indecent exposure charges. It is not uncommon for witnesses or victims to incorrectly identify the offender. In such cases, it is crucial to have an experienced criminal defense attorney who can present a strong case to support the defendant's innocence.

Finally, the lack of sufficient evidence can also lead to a dismissal of an indecent exposure charge. Without solid evidence, a case cannot be made against the defendant. In these situations, a criminal defense attorney can ensure that the charges are dismissed and the defendant's rights are protected.

Exclusions from Indecent Exposure Laws

It is important to note that there are exclusions to indecent exposure laws. Breastfeeding in public is explicitly excluded from being considered indecent exposure under Arizona law. This means that women who breastfeed in public cannot be charged with indecent exposure.

Why Seek Experienced Legal Representation

Individuals facing indecent exposure charges should seek experienced legal representation as soon as possible. Criminal defense attorneys specializing in sex crimes can provide a strong defense and protect one's rights. The attorneys at Colburn Hintze Maletta have extensive experience defending individuals facing indecent exposure charges.

In many cases, individuals facing indecent exposure charges are not guilty or overcharged. A skilled lawyer can assess the case and determine the best legal strategy. At Colburn Hintze Maletta, we offer a free consultation to individuals facing indecent exposure charges. Our attorneys fight tirelessly for our clients, ensuring that their rights are protected and that they receive the best possible outcome.


Indecent exposure is a serious crime that carries severe penalties. Understanding the laws surrounding indecent exposure is important for individuals and communities alike. If you or someone you know is facing indecent exposure charges, it is important to seek legal representation from experienced criminal defense attorneys. At Colburn Hintze Maletta, our attorneys have extensive experience defending individuals facing indecent exposure charges. For more information about indecent exposure laws in Arizona, visit



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