Saturday, September 7, 2024

Impact of Domestic Violence on Child Custody Case

Feature Article: How Domestic Violence Impacts a Child Custody Case

Child custody is a complex legal issue that involves multiple factors, including the welfare of the child and the ability of the parents to provide a safe and nurturing environment. Domestic violence is one of the most significant factors that can impact a child custody case, as it raises serious questions about the safety and wellbeing of the child. In this feature article, we'll examine the ways in which domestic violence can impact a child custody case, and what parents can do to ensure that their children are protected.

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior that occurs within a domestic relationship, such as marriage or cohabitation. This can include physical violence, emotional abuse, sexual assault, financial abuse, and other forms of behavior that are intended to exert power and control over the victim.

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Child Custody

When domestic violence is present in a child custody case, the court's primary concern is the safety and wellbeing of the child. If there is evidence of domestic violence, the court may enforce strict limitations on the offending parent's interaction with the child, such as requiring supervised visitation or, in severe cases, completely terminating parental rights.

Domestic violence can also impact the court's decision on which parent should have primary custody of the child. If a parent has a history of domestic violence, the court may be hesitant to award them custody, as they may pose a risk to the child's safety.

Proving Domestic Violence in Court

Proving domestic violence in court can be challenging, as it often occurs behind closed doors and is not always reported. However, there are several ways in which a victim can provide evidence of domestic violence, including police reports, medical records, and witness testimony.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, it is essential to seek legal counsel and gather as much evidence as possible to support your case. Your attorney can help you navigate the legal system and work to ensure that your children are protected from the abusive behavior.

Protecting Your Children

If you are a victim of domestic violence and are concerned about the safety of your child, there are several steps you can take to protect them. These include:

  • Seeking a protective order: A protective order can help prevent the abuser from contacting you or your child, and can provide you with legal protections if necessary.
  • Documenting the abuse: Keep a record of any incidents of domestic violence, including dates, times, and details of the abuse.
  • Seeking counseling: Domestic violence can have long-term emotional effects on both you and your child. Seeking counseling can help you and your child heal and move forward.


Domestic violence is a serious issue that can have a profound impact on child custody cases. If you are a victim of domestic violence, it is essential to seek legal counsel and take steps to protect your child. Remember that your safety and the safety of your child should always come first.

For more information on how domestic violence can impact a child custody case, visit


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Understanding Destruction of Property in Arizona Law

Feature Article

A recent study showed that, on average, property crimes accounted for 14.7% of all reported crimes in Arizona. One of the most common types of property crimes is destruction of property, which is defined under A.R.S. § 13-1602. In this article, we will explore what destruction of property means in Arizona law, the penalties for committing this crime, and potential defenses that can be used in court.

What is Destruction of Property?

According to Arizona law, destruction of property is defined as recklessly or intentionally damaging, defacing, or destroying any property belonging to another person or utility property. Utility property includes public or private property that provides essential services, such as electricity, gas, or water.

Examples of destruction of property include graffiti, breaking or damaging windows, slashing tires, and spray-painting buildings. Even tampering with utility equipment, such as cutting power or phone lines, can be considered destruction of property.

Penalties for Destruction of Property

The penalties for destruction of property in Arizona vary depending on the extent of the damage and the value of the property. If the damage is less than $1,000, it is considered a class 2 misdemeanor, which carries a maximum sentence of four months in jail and a $750 fine.

If the damage is between $1,000 and $2,000, it is considered a class 1 misdemeanor, which carries a maximum sentence of six months in jail and a $2,500 fine. If the damage is between $2,000 and $10,000, it is considered a class 6 felony, which carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison and a $150,000 fine.

If the damage is more than $10,000, it is considered a class 5 felony, which carries a maximum sentence of two and a half years in prison and a $150,000 fine. Additionally, if the person committing the crime has a prior conviction for destruction of property, the penalties could be much harsher.

Potential Defenses for Destruction of Property

As with any crime, there may be potential defenses that can be used in court to mitigate or dismiss charges. Some potential defenses for destruction of property include lack of intent, mistaken identity, consent from the property owner, and self-defense. It is important to note that the burden of proof is on the defendant to provide evidence of their defense.


Destruction of property is a serious crime in Arizona that can result in significant penalties. If you are facing charges for destruction of property, it is important to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help you understand the charges against you and develop a strong defense strategy.

Destruction of Property, Arizona Law

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Importance of Understanding What is a Covenant Marriage in Arizona


Marriage is a union between two people who want to spend the rest of their lives together. With so much at stake, it's important to understand different types of marriages to make informed decisions. One of the popular types of marriages in Arizona is a covenant marriage. Covenant marriage is a legally binding agreement between two people who want to commit their lives to each other. This article explains what a covenant marriage is and why it's essential to understand its implications before entering into such a marriage.

History of Covenant Marriage in Arizona

The Covenant Marriage Act was passed in Arizona in 1998 as a response to the rising divorce rates in the United States. A covenant marriage is a legal agreement between two individuals that requires premarital counseling and gives limited grounds for divorce. This type of marriage is meant to encourage couples to work out their problems and stay committed to their marriage for life.

Benefits of a Covenant Marriage

One of the benefits of a covenant marriage is that it requires premarital counseling. This counseling helps couples understand the seriousness of the commitment they are making and prepares them for any challenges they may face in their marriage. Another benefit of a covenant marriage is that it limits the grounds for divorce. In a covenant marriage, a couple can only get a divorce for specific reasons such as adultery, physical or sexual abuse, abandonment, drug addiction, or a felony conviction. This limitation on grounds for divorce is meant to encourage couples to work out their differences, as divorce is not an easy option.

Implications of a Covenant Marriage

While there are benefits of a covenant marriage, there are also significant implications that couples need to understand before entering into such a marriage. One of the implications is that a covenant marriage is challenging to terminate. Couples cannot get a divorce without proper grounds, and even if they do have grounds for divorce, they must prove these grounds in court. This can be a lengthy and expensive process. Another implication of a covenant marriage is that it requires couples to seek counseling before getting married. While counseling is a positive thing, some couples may not want to disclose personal information to a counselor. Additionally, counseling may be expensive, and some couples may not be able to afford it.

Is a Covenant Marriage Right for You?

A covenant marriage is an excellent option for couples who are committed to staying together for life. However, it's not the right choice for everyone. Couples who want the option of getting a divorce easily or who do not want to disclose personal information to a counselor may want to consider a traditional marriage. It's important to understand the implications of a covenant marriage before entering into such an agreement.

How to Enter Into a Covenant Marriage

If you decide that a covenant marriage is right for you, you'll need to follow specific steps to enter into such a marriage. You'll need to obtain a marriage license, complete the premarital counseling requirement, sign a declaration of intent, and file the declaration with the clerk of the Superior Court. Once you've completed these steps, you'll be legally bound by the terms of the covenant marriage.


A covenant marriage is a serious commitment that requires premarital counseling and limits the grounds for divorce. While there are benefits of a covenant marriage, such as encouraging couples to work out their problems, there are also significant implications, such as the difficulty of obtaining a divorce. Couples must understand the implications of a covenant marriage before entering into such an agreement. If you're considering a covenant marriage, it's important to speak to a family law attorney for advice and guidance. Covenant Marriage in Arizona-

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Impact of Parental Alienation on Child Custody and Parenting Time

Feature Article: Understanding Parental Alienation and its Impact on Child Custody

Divorce and child custody battles can be one of the most emotionally challenging things any parent can go through. However, when parental alienation comes into play, it can make the situation even more difficult. Parental alienation occurs when one parent manipulates and turns the child against the other parent. This behavior can significantly impact family law cases, especially when it comes to child custody and parenting time decisions.

The Impact of Parental Alienation on Child Custody

It’s no secret that child custody disputes can be extremely contentious. When one parent is trying to turn the child against the other parent, the situation can become even more challenging. Parental alienation can ultimately result in the loss of custody rights for the alienated parent and can cause severe emotional and psychological damage to the child. Additionally, parental alienation can cause the child to resent and become estranged from their other biological relatives, such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.

Identifying Parental Alienation

Parental alienation can be hard to identify, which makes it challenging to prevent and address. Typically, the alienator uses subtle manipulation and behaviors that are difficult to notice, such as making negative comments about the other parent in front of the child or ignoring any positive things the child has to say about the other parent. Other behaviors may include putting the child in the middle of disputes, making false allegations about the other parent, and brainwashing the child against the other parent.

The Legal Implications of Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is taken seriously by the courts, as it can significantly impact the child's well-being, as well as the alienated parent's relationship with their child. While the legal remedies for parental alienation vary from state to state, many family courts consider it when making child custody decisions. Courts can limit or entirely remove custody and visitation rights of a parent found guilty of parental alienation. Additionally, the court may order counseling for the family to address the issue and help restore the damaged relationships between the child and the alienated parent.

Recovering from Parental Alienation

Recovery from parental alienation is not easy, and it may take a lot of time and effort to restore the relationship between the alienated parent and the child. However, it is essential to remember that recovery is possible. The first step in the process is to identify the problem and seek help. There are many resources available for families struggling with parental alienation, including counseling and mediation services. Additionally, the affected parent should consider documenting any instances of parental alienation that they notice and bringing them to the attention of their attorney or the court.

Preventing Parental Alienation

The best way for parents to prevent parental alienation is to put the child's well-being first and focus on maintaining a healthy relationship between the child and both parents. It's essential to avoid speaking negatively about the other parent in front of the child and never using the child as a means to communicate with the other parent. Additionally, maintaining a consistent and predictable parenting schedule can provide the child with stability and reduce the likelihood of emotional manipulation.


Parental alienation is a severe issue in child custody disputes and can cause substantial harm to both the child and the alienated parent. Understanding parental alienation, its legal implications, and how to prevent it, is crucial for parents facing these challenges. Recovery from parental alienation is possible, but it requires time, effort, and support. If you find yourself struggling with parental alienation, it's crucial to seek help and resources that can assist you during this challenging time.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

10 Essential Elements Often Overlooked in Parenting Plans

Feature Article

Creating a Comprehensive Co-Parenting Plan: 10 Crucial Elements You May Be Overlooking

Divorce or separation can be emotionally challenging and, at times, downright exhausting, particularly when children are involved. It can be difficult to navigate the complexities of a custody arrangement while ensuring that the child’s needs are being met. A parenting plan can be an effective way to manage a child's needs post-divorce or separation. A comprehensive co-parenting plan is one that covers all of the essential elements to ensure that both parents and, most importantly, the child, are on the same page. In this feature article, we will discuss ten crucial elements that parents often overlook when creating a co-parenting plan.

The Parenting Plan Foundation

Before we delve into the crucial elements, it's essential to understand what a parenting plan is and what it entails. A parenting plan is a written document that outlines how parents will care for their child post-separation or divorce. It covers topics such as parenting time, decision-making, communication, and other relevant matters. A comprehensive co-parenting plan is a parenting plan that covers all essential elements to ensure that both parents are on the same page and that the child's needs are prioritized.

Element 1: Parenting Time

Parenting time refers to the time each parent spends with the child. It's important to have a detailed schedule that shows when the child will be with each parent, including holidays and special events. The parenting time schedule should consider the child's age, development, and needs. The schedule should also be flexible and adjustable to accommodate changes in the child's needs or the parents' schedules.

Element 2: Decision-Making

Decision-making refers to the authority to make important decisions about the child's life, such as education, healthcare, religious upbringing, and extracurricular activities. Parents can choose between sole decision-making authority or shared decision-making authority depending on their circumstances. Both parents should outline their wishes concerning decision-making and how they plan to arrive at mutual decisions.

Element 3: Communication and Dispute Resolution

Effective communication is essential in any co-parenting relationship. Parents should define how they will communicate with each other, including the medium, frequency, and method of communication. They should also outline a dispute resolution process that prioritizes the child's best interests and helps resolve conflicts amicably.

Element 4: Child Support

Child support refers to the financial support given to a child to meet their needs. Parents should outline how they will pay for the child's expenses and how they will split costs. This should include costs such as medical care, education, extracurricular activities, transportation, and more. The plan should also consider any potential changes in the child's needs and financial circumstances.

Element 5: Transportation

Transportation is often an overlooked element in co-parenting plans. It's essential to have a detailed plan outlining how the child will be transported between the parents' homes, school, and other activities. The transportation plan should factor in practical considerations such as distance, schedules, and transportation availability.

Element 6: Extended Family and Third-Party Access

Family and friends play a crucial role in a child's life. It's essential to have a plan outlining how and when extended family members and third parties can access the child, including grandparents, aunts, and uncles, and other close family members. The plan should consider the child's safety, wellbeing, and happiness.

Element 7: Special Needs Requirements

Children with special needs require additional support and accommodations. Parents should outline the child's special needs and how they plan to meet those needs. This should include matters such as appointments, treatments, and any special equipment or accommodations that may be required.

In conclusion, co-parenting can be a challenge, but a comprehensive co-parenting plan can be an effective way to reduce conflict, prioritize the child's needs, and ensure that both parents are on the same page. Understanding the essential elements of a co-parenting plan, such as parenting time, decision-making, communication and dispute resolution, child support, transportation, extended family, special needs requirements, and more, can help you create an effective plan for your family.

For more information and professional legal advice on creating a comprehensive co-parenting plan, visit


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Penalties and Defenses for Resisting Arrest During a DUI Stop in Arizona

Investigative Article

In a world where driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious issue, resisting arrest when pulled over by a peace officer can result in harsh penalties. In Arizona, the legal system takes the issue of resisting arrest seriously, as outlined in Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) 13-2508. As a result, individuals who resist arrest during a DUI stop face possible jail time, hefty fines, and more. This article will investigate the penalties and defenses for resisting arrest during a DUI stop, and what individuals can do to protect themselves against facing these consequences.

The Law in Arizona

Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) 13-2508 outlines the state's definition of resisting arrest. Simply put, it's when a person intentionally prevents or attempts to prevent a peace officer, acting under official authority, from effecting an arrest. This can be done by using or threatening to use physical force against the officer or another, or by creating a substantial risk of causing physical injury to the officer or another. This definition means that resisting arrest can occur during any arrest situation, including DUI stops.

Possible Penalties for Resisting Arrest During a DUI Stop

Resisting arrest during a DUI stop can result in serious penalties. The severity of the penalties will depend on the circumstances surrounding the incident. Penalties for resisting arrest may include:

  • Class 1 misdemeanor charges
  • Up to six months in jail
  • Fines up to $2,500
  • Probation
  • Court-mandated counseling or classes

In situations where resisting arrest results in bodily harm to the peace officer or other individuals, felony charges may be involved. In such cases, individuals could face up to several years in prison, hefty fines, and other consequences.

Possible Defenses for Resisting Arrest During a DUI Stop

Individuals who are facing charges for resisting arrest during a DUI stop may be able to use certain defenses to protect themselves against these allegations. Possible defenses may include:

  • Self-defense: This defense may be a possible argument if the accused believed that the officer was using excessive force or if they were acting in self-defense against the officer's physical force.
  • Unlawful arrest: If law enforcement officers did not have a legitimate reason to stop the individual, the accused may have a valid defense.
  • Coercion or intimidation: If an officer used threats, coercion, intimidation, or other illegal means to effect the arrest, the accused may be able to use this defense.

It's important to note that resisting arrest can result in serious charges, and the assistance of an attorney is crucial to develop an effective defense strategy.

What to Do If You're Facing Charges for Resisting Arrest During a DUI Stop

If you're facing charges for resisting arrest during a DUI stop, it's essential to take the allegations seriously. You should seek legal representation from a skilled criminal defense attorney who can help you build a robust defense strategy. The attorney can evaluate the circumstances of the incident and determine if any defenses may be available, negotiate with prosecutors or argue your case in court. They can also counsel you on plea agreements, diversion programs, or other possible strategies to avoid the harshest penalties of the charges.


Resisting arrest during a DUI stop is a serious offense that can have significant consequences in Arizona. The penalties for such an offense can include jail time, expensive fines, and negative impacts on employment and personal life. However, several defenses may be available to the accused, with the assistance of a skilled criminal defense attorney. By working with an attorney, the accused can develop a strong defense strategy and increase their chances of protecting themselves against the charges. Ultimately, If you or someone you know is facing charges for Resisting Arrest During a DUI Stop, it's essential to seek the counsel of an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately.

Resisting Arrest During DUI- Possible Penalties and Defense Strategies

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Importance of Temporary Orders in Family Court: An Overview

The Importance of Temporary Orders in Family Court

Family law matters can be complex and emotionally challenging, especially when it involves children and significant assets. Divorce, separation, and child custody battles can drag on for months or even years, leaving all parties involved in limbo and without a clear plan or direction. Fortunately, temporary orders can provide stability and clarity during this interim period, allowing individuals to make informed decisions about their future.

What Are Temporary Orders in Family Court?

Temporary orders are court orders that are put in place before a final decision is made in a family law case. They are designed to provide a framework for parties to outline their plans and arrangements while their case is pending. Temporary orders can cover a range of issues, including child custody, child support, visitation, and spousal support.

Temporary orders can be granted by the court upon request or at a hearing. They usually last until the final judgment of the case, or until a new order replaces them. The purpose of temporary orders is to protect the parties' rights, maintain the status quo, and ensure that the needs of all dependents involved are met.

Why Are Temporary Orders Important?

Temporary orders are critical in providing stability to parties during the interim period. They allow individuals to plan for their future, maintain their current lifestyle, and potentially avoid financial or other hardships. Additionally, temporary orders can help to minimize conflicts and ensure that all parties involved are treated fairly and equitably.

Without temporary orders, parties may be forced to navigate complicated legal issues without any guidance or support. This can lead to additional stress, confusion, and financial burden. Temporary orders, on the other hand, provide a clear structure for parties to follow and can help them avoid making costly mistakes that can have long-term repercussions.

How Can You Secure Temporary Orders?

In family law cases, temporary orders can be requested at any time before a final judgment is entered. Securing temporary orders typically involves filing a motion with the court requesting the specific relief sought. The motion must be supported by a detailed statement of the facts, accompanied by relevant evidence.

It's important to note that temporary orders are often negotiated between the parties, with the assistance of their respective attorneys. This collaborative approach can be beneficial for all parties involved, as it allows them to work together to reach an amicable solution.

The Benefits of Securing Temporary Orders

Securing temporary orders has numerous benefits for individuals navigating the complex world of family law. Some of the key advantages include:

1. Provides Stability During the Interim Period

Temporary orders provide a clear framework for parties to follow, giving them stability during this difficult time. This can help to minimize conflict and ensure that everyone involved is treated fairly and equitably.

2. Protects Your Rights and Interests

Temporary orders can protect your rights and interests during the interim period, ensuring that you have a voice in the proceedings and that your needs are met.

3. Helps You Make Informed Decisions About Your Future

Temporary orders can help you make informed decisions about your future, allowing you to plan for your life post-divorce or separation.

4. Avoids Financial or Other Hardships

Temporary orders can help you avoid financial or other hardships that can occur during the interim period, such as losing access to assets or being unable to support yourself or your children.


Temporary orders play a crucial role in family law cases, providing stability and clarity during a difficult and emotional time. They help to protect the rights and interests of all parties involved, ensure that the needs of dependents are met, and facilitate informed decision-making about the future. If you are navigating complex family law matters and need a structured approach to manage the interim period effectively, securing temporary orders can be a strategic step.

For more information about temporary orders in family court, contact CHM Law at


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Understanding Arizona's Indecent Exposure Laws: ARS 13-1402 and Penalties

Investigative Article: The Truth About Indecent Exposure Laws in Arizona

Indecent exposure is a term that is often tossed around in pop culture, but it is a serious crime. Understanding the laws surrounding indecent exposure is important for individuals and communities alike. In this investigative article, we will delve into the indecent exposure laws in Arizona, as defined by ARS 13-1402, and explore the legal defenses for these charges.

The Definition of Indecent Exposure in Arizona

According to ARS 13-1402, indecent exposure involves the exposure of private parts in public or in the presence of others. The act must be done recklessly, with the awareness that it would likely offend or alarm. To be convicted of indecent exposure, the prosecution must prove that the offender knowingly exposed themselves with the intent to cause alarm or distress to others.

Penalties for indecent exposure can range from class 1 misdemeanors to class 3 felonies, depending on the victim's age and the offender's history. Factors like the location of the offense and prior convictions can aggravate the charges. In Arizona, the age of consent is 18, and indecent exposure to a person under the age of 15 is considered a class 5 felony.

Related Offenses

While indecent exposure is a serious crime, there are related crimes that are also punishable under Arizona law. Public sexual indecency involves engaging in sexual acts in public and is punishable under ARS 13-1403. This offense is also classed as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the victim's age and the offender's history.

Legal Defenses for Indecent Exposure Charges

Individuals facing indecent exposure charges have legal defenses available to them. The most common defenses are lack of intent, mistaken identity, and insufficient evidence.

One of the most effective defenses against indecent exposure charges is the lack of intent. The prosecution must prove that the offender had the intent to cause alarm or distress to others. If the offender had no intention of exposing themselves or if the act was accidental, then they may be found not guilty.

Mistaken identity is another defense available to individuals facing indecent exposure charges. It is not uncommon for witnesses or victims to incorrectly identify the offender. In such cases, it is crucial to have an experienced criminal defense attorney who can present a strong case to support the defendant's innocence.

Finally, the lack of sufficient evidence can also lead to a dismissal of an indecent exposure charge. Without solid evidence, a case cannot be made against the defendant. In these situations, a criminal defense attorney can ensure that the charges are dismissed and the defendant's rights are protected.

Exclusions from Indecent Exposure Laws

It is important to note that there are exclusions to indecent exposure laws. Breastfeeding in public is explicitly excluded from being considered indecent exposure under Arizona law. This means that women who breastfeed in public cannot be charged with indecent exposure.

Why Seek Experienced Legal Representation

Individuals facing indecent exposure charges should seek experienced legal representation as soon as possible. Criminal defense attorneys specializing in sex crimes can provide a strong defense and protect one's rights. The attorneys at Colburn Hintze Maletta have extensive experience defending individuals facing indecent exposure charges.

In many cases, individuals facing indecent exposure charges are not guilty or overcharged. A skilled lawyer can assess the case and determine the best legal strategy. At Colburn Hintze Maletta, we offer a free consultation to individuals facing indecent exposure charges. Our attorneys fight tirelessly for our clients, ensuring that their rights are protected and that they receive the best possible outcome.


Indecent exposure is a serious crime that carries severe penalties. Understanding the laws surrounding indecent exposure is important for individuals and communities alike. If you or someone you know is facing indecent exposure charges, it is important to seek legal representation from experienced criminal defense attorneys. At Colburn Hintze Maletta, our attorneys have extensive experience defending individuals facing indecent exposure charges. For more information about indecent exposure laws in Arizona, visit


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Arizona Felony DUI with Minor in the Car: Definition, Penalties, Related Offenses, and Defenses.

Feature Article: Understanding Arizona's Felony DUI with Minor in the Car Law


Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs is a criminal offense in every state in America. However, Arizona takes DUI offenses involving minors in the car very seriously. If you or someone you know has been charged with a felony DUI with a minor in the car, it is crucial to understand the law, penalties, and your defense options.

What is a Felony DUI with a Minor in the Car?

Arizona Revised Statute 28-1383 makes it illegal to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol with a passenger under the age of 15. If you are arrested for violating this law, you will face severe legal consequences, including felony charges, fines, jail time, and the suspension of your driving privileges.

Penalties for a Felony DUI

If you are convicted of a felony DUI with a minor in the car, you face mandatory minimum sentences. The first offense has a minimum prison sentence of four months, while the second and third offenses have minimum prison sentences of eight and ten months, respectively. The maximum penalties for a felony DUI can include a fine of up to $150,000, prison time, community service, and counseling programs.

Common Defenses for a Felony DUI with a Minor in the Car

If you are facing charges for a felony DUI with a minor in the car, it is crucial to seek the advice of an experienced DUI defense attorney. Some of the common defenses that lawyers may use to fight for your freedom include challenging the credibility of the arresting officer, questioning the accuracy of the breathalyzer and blood tests, and arguing that the actions of the defendant did not place the minor in danger.

Related Offenses

In addition to a felony DUI with a minor in the car, there are several related offenses that you may be charged with. These include child endangerment, reckless driving, and vehicular manslaughter. Depending on the circumstances of your case, the prosecutor may add these offenses to your charges, increasing the severity of your legal consequences.

Who to Contact if You Face Felony DUI Charges?

If you or someone you know is facing charges for a felony DUI with a minor in the car, it is crucial to seek the advice of an experienced and knowledgeable DUI defense attorney. At Kolsrud Law Offices, our dedicated lawyers will fight zealously for your rights and freedom. We will provide you with a strong defense strategy, evaluating the evidence against you, identifying any weaknesses in the prosecution, and advocating for your rights in court.


Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can have devastating consequences, especially when there is a minor in the car. If you are facing felony DUI charges, it is essential to understand the law, your legal consequences, and the defense options available to you. We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of experienced lawyers who can help you navigate the complex legal system and defend your rights.

Arizona Felony DUI with Minor in the Car ARS 28-1383

If you need legal representation for felony DUI charges with a minor in the car, contact Kolsrud Law Offices today at Felony, Minor.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Options for Dealing with an Ex who Refuses to Sell the Family Home

Investigative Article: What to Do When Your Ex-Partner Refuses to Sell the Shared Property

Divorce or the end of a long-term relationship can be a complicated process. One of the most challenging aspects of this procedure is the division of assets. It is especially tricky when dealing with shared property, such as a house. It is not uncommon for one partner to refuse to sell the house, leading to a deadlock in the separation process. So, what should you do when your ex-partner refuses to sell the shared property, causing a dispute between the two of you?

Background: Factors That Make the Family Home a Contentious Point During Separation

One of the most significant assets in a relationship is the family home. It is the place where the family has spent the happiest moments, and the idea of selling it can be tough to swallow. However, several factors make selling the family home after separation necessary:

  • Inability to afford mortgage payments
  • Need to split the assets after a divorce
  • Maintain the standard of living
  • Prevent negative effects on children

When one partner denies the sale, it becomes a contentious point, and a solution must be found to avoid the adverse impact on both parties.

The Importance of Understanding Your Legal Rights

When it comes to selling a shared property, your legal rights may be unclear. It is essential to get both legal advice and family law legal paraprofessional support. Understanding your rights and the legal implications of your situation can help you make informed decisions. A legal expert can assist you in drafting a separation agreement that both you and your partner can agree with, providing a clear path forward.

Explore Your Options with Your Ex-Partner

One way to approach the issue of selling a shared property is to hold some dialogues with your ex-partner. An open discussion about the situation can help determine the most viable path forward. However, if any agreements cannot be reached, you may need to consider alternative options, such as a court application to force the sale or pursuing legal action for damages or breach of contract.

Consider the Financial Implications of a Stopped Sale

When one partner refuses to sell the house, there will be significant financial implications. You may have to continue to bear the living costs of the shared property, such as mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs. It can be tough to sustain these financial responsibilities indefinitely without losing your financial stability. Hence, it is necessary to find a quick solution to avoid additional financial burden and debt accumulation.

Consult a Family Law Legal Paraprofessional

An experienced family law legal paraprofessional can help you navigate the separation process, enforce your legal rights, and connect you to the right professionals who can draft an agreement suited to your specific situation. Family law legal paraprofessionals have the experience, knowledge, and expertise to handle a wide range of family law matters, including sale of shared property and separation agreements. They offer a cost-effective way of resolving legal issues without breaking the bank.

Understand That Selling the House May Benefit Both Parties

Selling the shared property can be beneficial for both you and your ex-partner. It can help you both move on with your lives and reduce financial obligations. It also provides financial resources for both parties to purchase smaller properties and start fresh. In some cases, selling the house can be the best solution.


Resolving an issue when a partner refuses to sell shared property after separation requires a careful approach. The importance of understanding your legal rights, exploring your options, and consulting with an experienced professional cannot be overstated. While the emotional attachment to the family home can be difficult to overcome, it is essential to consider the bigger picture and the financial implications of a stopped sale. By seeking legal advice and expertise, both you and your ex-partner can find a mutually beneficial solution for moving forward and rebuilding your lives.

For more information on what to do when your ex-partner refuses to sell the shared property, click here.
